
Who we are

In Fratta Polesine, in Rovigo province, Adriano and Otello Campion Brothers produced in their father’s steel structural works facilities, the first samples of stepped welded steel lighting columns. Only few years later, in August 1972, this production line ,result of the creativeness and cleverness of the two young, becomes a real and true firm. Year by year, this firm growth up and developed and it is nowadays leader in the design, production and sell of steel lighting columns, high mast and accessories, for decorative line, energy transport, telecommunications and board supports.

Pali Campion srl extend itself over an area of 50.000 mq, it employs innovative machineries, with a staff of qualified workers.

Pali Campion is a one member company owned 100% by the family holding HFC spa. The management of the company is a family one.
The strategic functions are subdivided between the 6 brothers and cousins.


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